Músicas antigas do Runescape

Posted by Rune Tephix On 17:56 1 comentários

Você gostaria de baixar as músicas antigas do Runescape? Das Terras Selvagens, Lumbridge, Varrock, etc? São quase 400 músicas para você ouvir e se quiser, passar para um CD! Clique no botão de Download abaixo e faça-o no 4Shared!

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1 Response for the "Músicas antigas do Runescape"

  1. Sometimes games are soo good that they not only last for years but decades. RuneScape Gold is one of them, and it is crazy to think that only two brothers originally developed the game. Despite the game hitting the 20-year-old mark, the Runescape game is still on all-time high traffic.

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